Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We're Broke As Hell, So Let's Front a Multi-Billion Dollar Loan So Southern Californians Can Get To Vegas Faster...Sorta

We're Broke As Hell, So Let's Front a Multi-Billion Dollar Loan So Southern Californians Can Get To Vegas Faster.

Honest to God, the absurdity in this is so absurd that it almost makes sense.

Every single goverment agency is having to figure out ways to make cuts to their budgets, which are actually bigger than they were this time last year, by making those cuts as visible and painful as possible. Yet, we have the Transposrtation secretary, Ray LaHood, getting letters from members of Congress, informing him that they are "deeply troubled by the prospects of subsidizing another costly, wasteful and risky high-speed rail project, particularly when our nation is facing a debt crisis that threatens the well-being of the current and future generations of Americans."

Okay, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I canNOT POSSIBLY be alone in thinking that this is a seriously major DUH!!!!

The Labor Department is seriously considering a high speed rail project between the cities of Victoville California and Las Vegas Nevada in an attempt to reduce the congestion on I-15 between those two cities. Thing is that Victorville is is 84.6 miles from Los Angeles, which takes approximately 1 hour and 23 minutes to travel by car IF you don't hit traffic.

Being a Montanan and living in the 4th largest state in the country, 84.6 miles on the Interstate is really no big whoop and I fail to see how the remaining 182.5 from Victorville to Las Vegas is going to be anymore of a burden to travel in the car I would have driven to get to Victorville. Especially, when taking the super-duper high speed train is going to cost me an estimated $89 smackers for each person in my vehicle. And don't forget the cost of parking my vehicle in the pay per spot parking lot which I am SURE will be built in addition to the super duper fast train. The gas would be cheaper for the 182.5 mile drive than a ticket and then I have the conveinence of my own transportation in Vegas.

If I-15 is so congested between those two points, then perhaps the less costly thing would be to fund the widening of I-15.

Besides which, there is already a train route between the two points...and it's the most lucrative route for Amtrack in the country. A ticket for one person....FROM LOS ANGELES and NOT Victorville is $55 with Amtrack right now.

So not only is the government considering funding 80% of this boondoggle, they are considering cutting off 82.5 miles from the present route and charging another $34 for the pleasure.

Does anyone in Washington sit down and simply pencil things out before opening their stupid mouths?

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