Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Now, We Study Drunk Lesbians Too!

As if a study to find why lesbians are fatter than their gay male counterparts wasn't enough to give proper homage to the victimized group, NOW  we are funding a study through the University of Illinois to find out what lesbians tend to be "hazardous drinkers."

FTA: Why Do Lesbians Have a Higher "Risk For Hazardous Drinking?

"The University of Illinois has received grants since 2009 for its project, "Cumulative Stress and Hazardous Drinking in a Community of Adult Lesbians," which aims to develop “culturally sensitive” strategies to prevent lesbians from being drunks."

And this tidbit:

“We propose to build on and extend our study of sexual identity and drinking… to model effects of cumulative stress on hazardous drinking among lesbians.”


I wonder if either of these studies are going to explore the very real possibility that probably the majority of lesbians, whether drunk or fat,  were abused by men at young ages.  I seriously doubt that ANYONE would be surprised if most were sexually abused, as well as/or  physically, emotionally, spiritually and verbally by significant males in their youth.

How about a study on THAT???

Oh no, we can't get to the root of WHY a woman may be a lesbian (or fat, or drunk) other than to say she was born one, because that would deviate from an agenda where we can FURTHER victimize women by telling them we're on their side when we really just want to use them to get money.

That isn't to say that I think all homosexuals choose their orientation, but some do. To deny that is intellectually dishonest.

Oh...and no need for anyone to keep sticking it to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organiziations, for not reporting to authorities when they have been told by 14 year old teens in for abortions or birth control, that their partners are 30 year old men. If PP actually reported that, there might be some valuable data that would be useful in the aformentioned two studies.

But let's not let any facts confuse the agenda.

Maybe there's a study somewhere that studies how the federal government whores women for the price of more goverment oppression.

Ladies, why do we let the government do this to us? They're full of shit and we just keep letting them feed it to us.

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