Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Oppressive Pig Award

I've decided to create a new award/title/whatever and give it a clever name. I actually came up with it when I was googling the picture for the post before this one.

Since this is titled The Porker Blog, I thought putting a mean pig picture on the story below would be appropriate. So I Googled "Oppresive Pig" and thought, "Hey, that's pretty good." and sort of wished I'd come up with that as my blog name instead....The Oppressive Pig.    (Don't ask how I came up with the Porker Blog. It just sounded like a good idea as I was walking across my kitchen floor. Then BOOM, it was done.)

THEN I thought instead, I would just pick a celeb of the week and give them the title with a goal of not awarding the same person matter how easy people like Michael Moore make it. He's not the winner today, but I am sure he will be in the very near future and in short order.

No, for this week's winner, my pick is Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Really folks, after this interview how can it be anything but a slam dunk?

Mr. "We-Should-Infringe-On-Your-Freedom" Bloomberg is nothing but an Oppressive Pig whose only way to govern comes in the form of oppression.

WTG, libtard.

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